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One of the greatest things about being a part of Kitchit is the incredible chefs you meet. We get to connect with innovative, passionate chefs and serve their unforgettable meals to our users. Our latest Kitchit Tonight Guest Chef is a perfect example of that. Chef Charlie Ayers is most widely known as the former executive chef for Google, a position he won in November of 1999 in a cook-off, judged by the company's 40 employees. Six years later, Chef Charlie and his team were serving 4,000 meals daily and establishing a new standard of "fine food for the fast crowd". Chef Charlie now runs Calaifa Café in downtown Palo Alto and in between recipe development and numerous consulting/advisory roles, he’s created a stunning menu for Kitchit Tonight. Below, we chat with Chef Charlie about his experiences in the kitchen and what keeps this man moving.

  • Kitchit (KT): You've had quite the culinary career. From cooking for the Grateful Dead to being the head chef at Google, walk us through your culinary history, what attracted you to the career, and what you have you loved most about it?

  • Chef Charlie Ayers (CA): For me, this career is all about creativity and art, two things that are fundamental in life. I started cooking professionally at Hilton Hotels in New Jersey, eventually leaving to attend culinary school in Providence, Rhode Island. After working the restaurant scene in Providence and Boston, I felt the need to change it up and headed west to California. Once here, I became friends with Chez Ray, the chef for The Grateful Dead. I would feed the band and crew in exchange for admission to shows; it was a pretty sweet deal. Music is a big passion for me and integrating the two was amazing. I still cater large music festivals from time to time.

  • KT: Any challenges in particular that you feel really helped shape your career in the kitchen?

  • CA: I was introduced to the business early on so I was able to learn the critical lessons from the start. It’s an incredibly demanding environment and some days everything can feel like it’s working against you. Patience and perseverance is the only way to survive and thrive in the kitchen.

  • KT: What was your favorite restaurant/job site to work in and why?

  • CA: I loved my time heading up the team at Google. The position had endless amounts of freedom. It’s rare for a chef to have full creative reign, even in his or her own restaurant!

  • KT: Describe your cooking style.

  • CA: It’s very original; I find new inspiration daily and use that to create something that is very personal and unique to me. I like to make food that is innovative, flavorful, and healthful; good for you and good for the planet.

  • KT: You’ve cooked for a lot of notable individuals. Who are some of your favorites?

  • CA: I’d have to say that Queen Noor of Jordan and Al Gore were guests that really stood out to me.

  • KT: You must be looking forward to the reunion of the Grateful Dead for their 50th anniversary show. Assuming you are attending (and maybe even cooking?), what are you most excited about?

  • CA: The music, of course!

  • KT: What appealed to you about teaming up with Kitchit Tonight?

  • CA: I want to give people a unique experience dining at home and I think the Kitchit platform is fantastic for that. The idea of bringing in a restaurant quality menu designed by a well known chef is great, whether for a party or just to change up a busy weeknight routine. Kitchit Tonight makes it affordable and accessible, well done!

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